Equipment & Accessories

Save going down the vortex that is home brew equipment! This is our boiled down, super-favourites list, selected with Single O coffee front of mind (which is thrown into turmoil with every new market release of a piece of coffee equipment worth its salt, sparking in-house testing by our training and QC team).  


Equipment & Accessories
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    Acaia Pearl Smart Coffee Scales
    Moccamaster (Techni Vorm) filter papers no 4 for Clever Dripper large
    Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine
    Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine
    Breville Smart Grinder Pro
    Breville Smart Grinder Pro
    AeroPress Micro Filters
    Cafec V60 Filter Papers - 2 Cup 100 pack
    Moccamaster Thermal Brewer
    Choose SIZE & GRIND
    Choose COLOUR Black
    Coffee Bag Clip
    Coffee Bag Clip
    SingleO Kinto White
    350ml Single O KeepCup Tritan
    350ml Single O KeepCup Tritan

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