Grinder Workflow


Ever noticed that all your handles weigh different amounts? Taring & re-taring handles is a cumbersome and time consuming add-on to specialty coffee preparation. We all know that weighing every shot has more or less become essential in maintaining quality and consistency, but different handle weights slow this process down.

We’ve found a couple of work arounds that will aid your workflow, keeping the coffee running to spec while also saving you time along the way.

Solution 1: Make the handles weigh the same

As advertised, with this solution we’re going to add or subtract weight to the handles to save you time in the long run. The easiest way to do this is to find the heaviest handle – weigh all the handles and note down their weight. We’re then going to add weight to the lighter handles to equal the heaviest – blu tack or tape are both great for this! The handles need to be accurate to 0.1g, so it’s not a bad idea to check them every morning once it’s done to make sure they still weigh the same! Once the handles are the same weight this will allow you to save heaps of time on taring.

Solution 2: Grind into a container with a consistent weight

Using a stainless steel grind cup and a funnel has quickly gained popularity in specialty coffee circles. It’s a bit of a change of workflow, but we find that cup dosing has made us much quicker; especially if you have two cups that weigh the same! The workflow looks like this:

  1. Tare the cup on the scales
  2. Place the cup under the grinder & hit go
  3. Place the cup on the scales to weigh your dose and adjust if needed
  4. Using a jam funnel tip the coffee into the handle, distribute and tamp
  5. Repeat step 2
  6. Place the original handle in the machine and get your shot running!

Some of you may be familiar with this style of workflow from using EK’s, but if it’s still clear as mud, feel free to give us a buzz & have a chat! Call 9693 2232